Eye on Display – the New Name for Display News

April 25, 2023 by Jack Gocher


This post contains sponsored content.

When I first entered the wide format print industry as a young PR person back in the mid-90s, we were spoiled for choice for publications. There were no less than 7 (seven) monthly magazines focusing on sign-making and many more covering printing and graphics reproduction.

Fast forward nearly 30 years, and just a couple remain, replaced for the most part by online publications and news websites. This trend has been mirrored across many industries, and while there is still some appetite for the printed word, in the fast-moving world of modern business, the news does not wait for print deadlines – people want it in their hands right away.

This is where the latest online publication for the large format printing world is aiming its sights. Eye on Display aims to bring the latest news fast and straight to your mobiles, laptops and desktops. The stories about new products, appointments, installations and shifting trends need to be told and told quickly.

Serving the industry

Eye on Display stays in touch with the industry to ensure we publish the latest stories. We also dig a bit deeper into many stories with in-depth profiles, interviews and case studies. Such as our recent interview with ColorBase’s own Bernd Kouvenhoven, which you can read here. 

But most importantly, we want to publish articles that help the industry to grow and flourish. Not all companies have expensive PR agencies to help them prepare and distribute news and stories, and Eye on Display is always keen to work with such companies to help get their message out there.

We will also be at many of the major events and exhibitions and provide reports, previews and reviews so that you don’t miss out.

Editorial has always had more power than other forms of promotion. Having other people tell the world about the great things you are doing has more impact and kudos than simply putting it out there yourself.

So. If you have a story you want to share, I am always ready to listen. Please get in touch.

Digital Magazine

As well as the website, Eye on Display also produces a regular digital magazine. The first issue came out in March and you can read it here. The next issue will be out early May and you can also find that by visiting our home page – www.eyeondisplay.co.uk.

In the magazine we run our longer features, such as our profiles on Fujifilm and swissQprint, as well as major new product launches and a recap of the news from the previous weeks.

Exclusive interviews and company profiles - like this visit to Fujifilm head office in the UK
Eye on Display covers exclusive case studies, such as The Creative Place’s installation of a swissQprint Nyala 4

We are also building up our YouTube channel with interviews, documentaries and other stories as well as continually increasing our social media presence. We also have a podcast in the pipeline, so please get in touch if you have a story to tell.

Large format print business directory

Alongside the news site and magazine, Eye on Display is building a comprehensive industry directory for companies in the large format printing, sign-making and visual communications industry.

This allows easy access to companies that are relevant to specific news stories, but making them easily visible and accessible after each news story. Listings start from just £100 per year and we encourage you to get in touch here if you would like to be included.

Regular communications

In addition to the digital magazine, we communicate via email to our subscribers with timely news on major industry events. Digital communications is fast and efficient and we use email, LinkedIn and other social media to report, engage and inform our audience.

What we want from you

We want your stories. This is the lifeblood of any good media outlet. We want to know all that you are doing, your successes, your challenges and how you have overcome them.

We want to know about your latest products, initiatives and developments, your customer wins and exciting appointments, your winning business strategies and your opinions on the key trends that affect our industry.

We would, of course, also love your support. We can help you reach a broad and ever-growing audience that has started in the UK and is rapidly growing into the rest of Europe, the Americas and the Pacific. 

Help us to grow by following and engaging with us on social media (links below), subscribing to our newsletter, and feeding us with your news.

Suppose you would like to see how we can help you to reach a broader audience. In that case, we have very cost-effective advertising and sponsorship rates, which often includes exclusive and invaluable editorial support.

Final thoughts

Many thanks for your time reading this blog, and thanks to ColorBase for allowing me this platform.

Eye on Display has been formed to support and help the industry to better communicate the amazing things the people and companies within it are doing and achieving.

We love being a part of this and we would also love you to get involved. Please do get in touch.


About Eye on Display

Eye on Display is the newest publication covering the colorful world of large format printing, sign-making and visual communications. We publish news, case studies, profiles, opinions and special reports on all aspects of the industry. We do this online, on socials and in our regular digital magazine. We also have a comprehensive business directory to help you get your name out to your market.

Jack Gocher

Jack Gocher

Jack Gocher is a UK-based PR professional and writer specializing in the visual graphics industry. Jack is the founder and editor of Eye on Display, a digital magazine covering the colorful world of large format printing. Eye on Display covers the latest stories, key industry features, and trends to keep you informed.

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